BIARA Weekly Net on the W6AM Repeater
W6AM Repeater is 145.480Mhz -600Khz Split / 100.0Hz Tone
BIARA Weekly Net on the W6AM Repeater
W6AM Repeater is 145.480Mhz -600Khz Split / 100.0Hz Tone
BIARA General Membership Skype Call
Click here to join the meeting No additional software is needed, but if you'd like to download Skype before the meeting (it may work better in the app, then on the web), you can download the software here: It is also recommended that if you use a VPN, that you disable same to achieve better … Continue reading BIARA General Membership Skype Call
BIARA Weekly Net on the W6AM Repeater
W6AM Repeater is 145.480Mhz -600Khz Split / 100.0Hz Tone
BIARA General Membership Skype Call
Click here to join the meeting No additional software is needed, but if you'd like to download Skype before the meeting (it may work better in the app, then on the web), you can download the software here: It is also recommended that if you use a VPN, that you disable same to achieve better … Continue reading BIARA General Membership Skype Call
BIARA Weekly Net on the W6AM Repeater
W6AM Repeater is 145.480Mhz -600Khz Split / 100.0Hz Tone
BIARA Weekly Net on the W6AM Repeater
W6AM Repeater is 145.480Mhz -600Khz Split / 100.0Hz Tone
Pearl Harbor Day Memorial Ops from Battleship IOWA
Aboard the IOWA 250 S. Harbor Blvd, Berth 87, Los Angeles, CA, United StatesBattleship IOWA Amateur Radio Associations' NI6BB will be on the air from 1700 UTC December 7th until 0100 UTC December 8th in memory of Pearl Harbor Day. Frequencies ending in "43" will be manned on SSB and or CW on bands with propagation. Possible FT8 ops will be in the usual band slots. QSL to … Continue reading Pearl Harbor Day Memorial Ops from Battleship IOWA
BIARA Weekly Net on the W6AM Repeater
W6AM Repeater is 145.480Mhz -600Khz Split / 100.0Hz Tone
BIARA General Membership Skype Call
Click here to join the meeting No additional software is needed, but if you'd like to download Skype before the meeting (it may work better in the app, then on the web), you can download the software here: It is also recommended that if you use a VPN, that you disable same to achieve better … Continue reading BIARA General Membership Skype Call
BIARA Weekly Net on the W6AM Repeater
W6AM Repeater is 145.480Mhz -600Khz Split / 100.0Hz Tone