35 events found.
Latest Past Events
BIARA Honors Battleship IOWA’s Birthday – Special Operating Event
Aboard the IOWA 250 S. Harbor Blvd, Berth 87, Los AngelesThe Battleship IOWA Amateur Radio Association will be on the air with NI6BB to honor our lady's initial commissioning this day in 1943. Time: 1600 to 2400 UTC Freqs: ending in 43 or 61 on 40, 20 and possibly 17 meters, conditions permitting Modes: SSB, CW & FT8 QSL per QRZ.com
BIARA Weekly Net on the W6MEP Repeater
BIARA moderates a local net on the W6MEP repeater (147.240 / 147.840; +600; 67 Hz PL) for associates and visitors Wednesdays at 2000 Pacific local time. Listen for the moderator IDing as NI6BB.
Iowa Statehood Day
NI6BB will be informally on the air 12/28/23 to celebrate IOWA’s 177th anniversary as a state. The hours will most likely be from 1800 to 2400 UTC. Bands and frequencies will be up to the individual operator(s). Look for us in the cluster spots.